Look Out For These Deceptive Grocery Store Marketing Techniques

Yes, even grocery stores are trying to get you to spend more money than you intended while you’re there. It’s part of the consumer game with play every day with big businesses. You may think you have your grocery store figured out, when in reality, your grocery store has you as a consumer figured out.

Here are some of the most deceptive grocer techniques that are probably tricking you on a daily basis:

  1. Head Right:
    Does your grocery store make you head to the right when you shop? It’s because most people are right-handed, and more likely to grab items with their right hand and steer with their left. They want you to go through the store counterclockwise on purpose.
  2. Unrelated Pairings:
    Do you ever notice that items like tortillas and salsa are put together in the same aisle? It’s because grocery stores infer you’ll want one with the other, so they make it easier for you to grab both without even thinking about it.
  3. Big Carts:

Did you know between 1975 and 2000, the size of grocery carts tripled in size? The bigger the carts, the more you can put in the carts. The more you put in your cart, the more money you spend at the grocery store.

  1. Item Location:

Do you ever notice that grocery stores can change up the location of food as frequent as every month? It probably drives you nuts, but they do it for a reason: they want you exposed to foods you don’t necessarily buy when you visit the store. As a result, you’re more likely to grab these items off the shelf while you’re looking for what you need.

It’s ok; grocery stores are outsmarting us all. Now you know.


3 thoughts on “Look Out For These Deceptive Grocery Store Marketing Techniques”

  1. When I go to the grocery store I usually know what I need or want. When they move things I get annoyed. I like new products but I want to look for them when I have the time and inclination NOT when the store wants me to do so.

  2. Costco changes their locations of items constantly which get the shopper to browse more around the store. I never find the items I look for in the same spot

  3. I am the shopper from hell for these grocery stores. I don’t do any of the things you mention. I only grab a cart if I know for sure the stuff I go to the store for, won’t fit in a handbasket. I shop clockwise etc etc etc. I wait for stuff to be at it’s lowest and make sure I have coupons for most of the stuff I buy on top of their supposed sale. I keep track of their “normal” prices, so I know whether I’m getting a deal or not. And last but not least ….. I make a list and stick to it.

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