Marinating Tips for All Your Proteins You’ll Throw On the Grill

No matter what protein you want to grill this summer, you can make an amazing meal by firing it up. The problem most people have isn’t making a great marinade. It’s that they treat everything they throw on the grill the same way. Different proteins require different tips to infuse flavor and get the best sear.

Here’s how to handle your favorite proteins and marinate them right so they come off the grill tasting fabulous every time!

1. Chicken

Chicken doesn’t need that long to soak up your marinade. It’s best to remove the skin first though so it gets infused with those flavors. Chicken is very mild by natural so you can use just about any marinade you dream up with it. Thin pieces of chicken need about 20 minutes to 3 hours of marinating while a whole chicken can be marinated for up to 24 hours.

2. Pork

With leaner cuts of pork, a marinade will keep it from drying out over the grill. Pork that’s marinated in very acidic marinades or is cut into small pieces should only be marinated a short time as these factors can cause the meat to toughen up. At minimum, marinating should happen for 20 minutes. At maximum, you shouldn’t go over 24 hours.

3. Beef

Marinades can easily bring out the best for tougher cuts of meat. Salty marinades are ideal for locking in moisture, though if you want a caramelized exterior, try something with oil and sugar. Beef should be marinated no less than 30 minutes and no more than 24 hours as well.

4. Fish

Fish have shorter muscle fibers which means acidic marinades can cook the fish, like ceviche. This will make it mushy if you’re planning on grilling it. Never soak it in an acidic marinade for more than 20 minutes to help it keep its structure If you’re using a marinade without acids, it’s fine for up to 2 hours.

5. Shrimp

Oil-based marinades keep shrimp from sticking. Shrimp is very delicate too, so follow the same rules about acid-based marinades and marinating times as you would for fish.

6. Tofu

Tofu always needs the liquid pressed or drained off before doing anything with it. Once you remove that liquid, you can marinate it. It’s best to use the firm or extra firm tofu to get the desired results. You can marinate tofu from 30 minutes on up to 24 hours.

7. Vegetables

You can marinate just about any vegetable you choose. They will caramelize over high heat and taste amazing, though you should stick to marinating them for no more than 30 minutes.

Now that you know how to marinate each protein, you’ll turn out a tasty spread every time you fire up your grill!