Seven Summer Foods to Keep Your Kids Energized

Summer heat can cause dehydration and sap your child’s energy, leaving them drained and tired. However, you can look out for your kids by giving them any of these summer foods.

  1. Watermelon

Watermelon is 92 percent water and 8 percent sugar, making it a favourite sweet treat for kids as well as an excellent source of hydration. It is rich in vitamin A as well as lycopene, an important disease-fighting antioxidant.

  1. Tomatoes

This fruit is one of the best natural sunglasses you can give your child. Abundant in lycopene and vitamin A and potassium, it helps to prevent skin pigmentation while reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer. You could make a tomato juice or serve it raw.

  1. Cucumber

There’s a reason why the saying, “as cool as a cucumber” exists. Cucumber makes for a great mid meal snack as it helps cool the body and keep constipation at bay. If your child is being fussy about it, consider spicing it with cumin.

  1. Yoghurt

If your child is feeling tired and drained, giving them yoghurt can help their body cool off from within while also stimulating their body system. It has proven to reduce fatigue symptoms and promote digestion. You could even top it off with some sugar or add in some fruits.

  1. Coconut water

Coconut water is a favourite for most adults and kids. It has all the properties to keep your child’s body cool, hydrate their skin and keep metabolism active. It’s always best to buy fresh coconuts rather than buy the packaged coconut water off supermarket shelves.

  1. Pineapple

This tropical fruit is loaded with plenty nutrients and disease-fighting antioxidants. It is an excellent hydrator and can help boost your kid’s immune system as well as aid digestion. You could serve it alone or mix it in a pinacolada.

  1. Mint

Apart from being a natural cooler, mint helps reduce gastric acid, facilitating smoother digestion.

The above are summer foods that your children will likely love because they’re tasty and energising.