Sublime Summer Food Trends to Sink Your Teeth Into

Summer is no doubt the best time for ice cream, shaved ice, chilled fruits, and grilling. But there’s much more to it than those old standbys for perfect summer flavors. While those will never go out of style, there are some new summer food trends that are sure to please your palate.

Take a bit of these summer food trends and make your summer even more sensational!

– Poke bowls

Poke (pronounced ‘poh-kay’) bowls have been trending for a while now and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. The bright flavors of these bowl loaded with rice, veggies, and hunks of raw tuna and salmon taste incredible and are refreshing on hot days. Not a raw fish person? They also have them in cooked varieties with chicken, tofu, and plenty more.

– Plant-based

The demand for plant-based foods is surging, even more so now during the summer. It’s not just a desire to protect the planet and stand up for animal rights. Even meat eaters are turning to plant-based meals that bring full flavor without filling them out. It’s perfect for swimsuit season!

– Pacific Rim flavors

Perhaps due to their intense tropical tastes which bring out the vacation vibe in everything, the flavors of the Pacific Rim are huge for this summer. These fuse things like Vietnamese and Thai tastes into seemingly ordinary dishes for extraordinary tastes. Look for them paired with fresh fish for a delightful flavor that tastes so good, you’ll forget it’s good for you.

– Sea snacks

Potatoes and other root vegetables need to move over. Now snack time is being devoted to foods from the sea. Seaweed crisps, kelp noodles, and even kelp jerky are moving onto the scene thanks to Asia markets where these items are already incredibly popular. Globalization has been good to us in the food sector, that’s for sure!

– Mexican street corn

Taking roasted corn to new heights, Mexican street corn is one of the best treats to grab this summer. It’s insanely portable, not to mention heavenly. How can you go wrong with an ear of sweet, roasted corn topped off with crema and seasonings? You may never go back to eating plain buttered corn again.

– Pickled everything

So many restaurants are in on the trend but so are plenty of home cooks. Pickling just about every fruit and vegetable from the summer’s bounty means plenty of deliciousness during the other seasons. But why wait? Make your own pickles to serve with your plant-based burgers at your barbecue bash and you’ll be the talk of the town!

These summer food trends will likely last after school starts back up again, but they’re so incredibly refreshing, they make the long days cooler and more flavorful. Give them a try!