Summer-Safe Grilling Tips

We recently talked about marinating, but let’s talk about the centerpiece for all outdoor summer events – the grill. Grilling is truly a summer pastime. It’s something that brings everyone together. While the kids jump and play in the pool, the adults congregate around the grill to make a mighty meal in the great outdoors.

Nothing tastes quite like grilled meat does, but there are some things you should remember when you’re hosting your next backyard barbecue around the grill.

  1. Trim your meats

Not to put a damper on your summer fun, but when you cook meat over an open flame, those high temperatures can cause cancer-causing chemicals, especially when the meat drips fat and juice down into the grill. That’s not so tasty, is it? But if you trim the fat on your meats, you reduce that risk.

  1. Use foil

While we’re on the subject of chemicals, using foil can keep the drip of fat from hitting the coals, plus it can minimize mess. That’s a win-win!

  1. Watch out for excess marinade

In our article about marinating, we talked about how excess marinade can cause flare-ups on the grill. Be cautious as you add your meats from your bag or bowl of marinade. Don’t skip the marinade though because it not only adds flavor but also the acidity of it helps break down proteins in meat which is a good thing for your health.

  1. Pre-cook and prime it

No one ever likes biting into a drumstick from the grill only to find it’s raw by the bone. Over high temperatures on the grill, it can be difficult to get the inside cooked just right without charring the outside. To avoid that situation, simply cook your meats for a little while in the oven and then finish them on the grill so they’re cooked consistently inside and grilled without being burnt to a crisp on the outside.

  1. Don’t forget the veggies

Grilled vegetables aren’t as dangerous for your health as meat because they don’t have fat dripping down into your flaming coals. Zucchini, mushrooms, and cauliflower are all good grillers. Put them on skewers for a fun side!

  1. Watch your utensils and plates

It’s easy to get busy at the grill juggling plates and utensils, but keep things clean to avoid contaminating your food. Never put cooked foods onto a plate that was used for raw foods and watch the utensils too. Keep your hands clean after handling raw meats as well.

  1. Be mindful of small children

One last tip for your summer grilling and chilling is to watch out for the little ones. Kids can get curious or they’ll come up to you asking for a snack and if you’re not aware of them, they could get hurt. Always be responsible when manning the grill to ensure everyone has a good, fun, and safe time.