The Best Things To Do With Fresh Herbs

If you have a plethora of fresh herbs on your hands and you don’t know what to do with them, the following ideas are some of the best things you can do.

  • Freeze into ice cubes

Get the best out of your fresh herbs by freezing them in oil so you can always have an immediate flavor booster on hand at all times. The reason you should use oil is that incidents of freezer burns are fewer than when water is used.

  • Infuse water

Infused water offers a great way to stay hydrated without consuming lots of sugar. You just need to use herbs like rosemary and grapefruit or try other combinations to jazz up tasteless drinks.

  • Make pesto

Pesto is a colorful and delicious sauce that originated in Genao. If you are blessed with an abundance of basil, garlic, or any tender herb, then you can prepare your pesto and store it in your freezer.

  • Replant them

If you have no plans to consume fresh herbs, you can simply replant them so you can have spices right at your fingertips. The ideal way to plant them is to place the herbs to immerse the stem in cold water and the leaves stay above. Then cover with a plastic bag, and wait for them to sprout.

  • Dry them

Drying has been one of the oldest methods of preservation and you can use it to keep your herbs from spoiling. Simply tie less-tender herbs into small bundles and hang them to dry but if you are dealing with tender herbs, it’s best to dry each herb separately.

  • Make salad

Put your herbs into good use by whisking them into salad dressing. Contrary to widespread belief, salad dressing doesn’t need to be flavorless as herbs are delicious ingredients.

In all, you don’t have to let your fresh herbs languish in your kitchen anymore as you can get the best out of fresh herbs before they go bad by using any of the tips above.