Top 5 Must-Try Delicacies for Avid Travelers

The best part about globetrotting is you get to sample thousands of delicacies around the world. While you cannot fully exhaust the list of sumptuous global cuisine, there are those delicacies that are a must try if you double as a foodie. Here are five of those delicacies that will blow your taste buds and leave you nostalgic.

  • Fiorentina Steak

A signature steak from Italy that is flavorful to the bone. What makes it unique? The steak is handpicked from a specific cow, cooked using a specific recipe, and is only served in a specific town. This sumptuous meal delicacy is native to the people of Tuscany, especially in Florence town.

A true Tuscany foodie would tell you the best place to enjoy this juicy steak is in rural Florence. The thick chunk of steak is cooked for 7 minutes on both sides while the middle remains rare. It is soft and savory with every bite you take.

By the way, Fiorentina steak is served in 1 or 2 kg platters, so take a friend with you.

2) Kuzu Tandir

If it is your first time in Turkey, you definitely have to order a bowl of Kuzu Tandir. It is a traditional lamb dish served with potatoes, rice, and a beverage of choice; mostly yogurt. The lamb meat is slow-cooked for hours until it achieves a fall-off-the-bone softness. Add the smoky flavors from the wood-fired oven and you will definitely come back for more.

3) Ensalada Payesa

We all know Ibiza is a top destination for travelers who love to party. However, besides the electrifying Deejay concerts, the city is known for, one can also greatly appreciate the local cuisine. One such dish is Ensalada Payesa which is a signature salad dish of the Catalan people. Ingredients include potatoes, sliced onions, fresh olives and tomatoes, roast peppers, and boiled egg. Ensalada Payesa is served with a side plate of dried savory fish.

4) Tagines

Tagine is a favorite of the Moroccans living in Marrakech. Tagine is a dish of vegetables mixed with slow cook meat oven fired in a clay pot. The assortment of vegetables used in the dish will depend on the season. However, you have the choice to choose what meat goes into your bowl of Tagines. The result is a zesty and spicy Moroccan meal that best enjoyed with hot bread

 5) Som Tum

This is for the strict vegans taking a trip to Thailand. Som Tum is salad dish that proves vegetarian meals don’t have to be boring. Som Tum is a special dish prepared by the people of Isaan. The locals use farm-picked green beans, garlic, cherry tomatoes, chilies, and toppings of shredded raw papaya. The papaya is crushed in a mortar to bring out its sweet and sour flavors.

You can enjoy Som Tum as it or have it topped with peanuts, salted crabs, or dried shrimp.


The next time you are in Thailand, Morocco, Italy, Turkey, or the Balearic Islands, do try any of the above signature global cuisines. Better yet, ask for recipes so you can surprise your family when you get back home.