White Sauce and Broccoli Pasta

This recipe is going to teach you how to make a really simple white sauce that is a life saver because it can be used in a ton of different dishes.

Today we are going to prepare a basic white sauce with fresh broccoli to partner with a delicious plate of pasta!

If you are not into broccoli, don’t worry, try using other veggies or ingredients like: ham, bacon, your favorite kind of cheese, sausages, or even better, mix a couple of ingredients to create a white sauce broccoli and bacon pasta!

What else you could use this sauce for? Well, try it with potatoes, baked veggies, gnocchi, raviolis, fishes, grilled chicken…



  • 6 cups of pasta, cooked
  • 4 cups of broccoli, chopped
  • 2 cups of milk
  • ¼ cup of butter
  • 3 tbsp of all purpose flour
  • A pinch of salt
  • Pepper to taste




  1. In a large pot, add some water to boil and then cook your broccoli there for around 5 minutes. You need the pieces to be tender. When ready, drain them and set aside to cool down. Cut the pieces as small as you want. A medium size works great.
  2. Take another pot and add the butter.
  3. When the butter is melted, add the all-purpose flour and stir immediately. The flour needs to be really well cooked. Don’t skip the stirring or the sauce will end too clumpy.
  4. Pour the milk and stir continuously until it starts to feel thicker.
  5. Add the salt and pepper, keep stirring until really thick. If you want it to be thinner, add a little bit more of milk.
  6. Mix the broccoli pieces with the white sauce to cover them completely.
  7. Serve your pasta, I recommend cooking something like tri-color pasta, and pour white sauce with broccoli on top!