Why Fusion Cuisine Has Taken Over Menus Everywhere

Twenty years ago, it was virtually unheard of among consumers. Today, you can find fusion cuisine in just about any restaurant. Tacos were once tacos. Now we’ve got Korean tacos, and they’re amazing in their own right. With a more global society, it make sense that we’ve found exciting new ways to incorporate ethnic flavors into our old standbys to create dishes that go above and beyond in the flavor spectrum.

Interestingly, fusion cuisine has been going on for some time though no one really put a name to it. Just look at pelmeni, a type of dumpling from Russia, and how similar it is to the jiaozi made in China. The noodle of Italy were also influenced by Chinese noodles. Through our natural ways of sharing food with one another, these hybrid foods have come about for centuries. Now though, they seem much more daring.

Fusion cuisine as we know it though in the modern world is often credited to star chefs like Wolfgang Puck who very deliberately began combining flavors from different cultures. Other chefs followed suit and the rise of all hybrid fusion dishes began dominating menus. Some purists say this disturbs tradition, but we couldn’t disagree more. While nothing compares to a classic, there is plenty of room in our bellies to try something new.

Trying to make fusion cuisine in your own kitchen can be exciting too. However, simply adding soy sauce or other Asian ingredients to a dish isn’t enough to call it “fusion.” Plus, while it’s true some contrasting flavors really do make a beautiful pair, this is not true of everything. That’s why many professional chefs began to loathe fusion cuisine because everyone was doing it just to stand out and not focusing on making the flavors harmonious.

As globalization draws cultures closer together, more fusion cuisine continues to roll out. Not long ago, no one in America knew of sriracha. Now it’s everywhere, mixed into mayonnaise for a gloriously spicy twist to add a pop of brilliance to any sandwich. With more accessibility to ingredient we didn’t normally see in the supermarkets years ago, it allows us to get more playful with our food and imaginative with the possibilities.

Fusion cuisine has taken over because it gives us something new which piques our curiosity. We could have a taco which is always delicious, or we can try a Korean taco for a more exotic flavor. Sushi pizza, sushi nachos, and all sorts of glorious things are out there just waiting to be eaten.

Along with fusion cuisine, mash-ups are also emerging. This fusion concept combines two different food concepts, like pizza and burritos for example, and unites them into a new dish. The one everyone knows is the Cronut, the ever-famous donut and croissant, a match made in breakfast pastry heaven!

Whether you’re going out to eat or simply want to make something new, fusion cuisine is a great way to enchant your taste buds and bring about that umami you’re craving.