Top Tips For A Perfect Pavlova

A perfect pavlova is an elusive beast. The road to perfection is littered with soggy bottoms, burnt edges and plates of chewy fudge. So, what’s the secret? How can we finally climb the Pavlova mountain and plant our flags in egg white perfection? Here are a few tips to help you on the way.

  1. Keep It Clean

Before you start. Before you even lift an egg out of the box, ensure everything you are going to use, especially your bowl, is clean. The tiniest hint of grease will cause your pavlova to flop.

  1. Keep It Cool

If you don’t normally store your eggs in the fridge, then stick them in for a few hours beforehand. Separate your eggs as soon as they come out of the fridge. Take extra care when separating the eggs to make sure there isn’t any egg yolk or egg shell in the egg white. Even the smallest amount of yolk will prevent your eggs whipping to their fullest potential.

  1. Wait for That Whip

The mix is there in the bowl. The temptation is to start whipping straight away. Don’t. Your mix is still too cold. Go for a walk. Settle your accounts. Wash the dog (actually – maybe don’t wash any animals in the middle of food preparation!). The idea is to let your mix come up to room temperature. It will make for a far more successful whip.

  1. Pour Some (but not too much!) Sugar on Me

The mix has been beaten and the sugar awaits. But don’t pour it all in! Add the caster sugar one tablespoon at a time. This encourages a smooth mix.

  1. Don’t Rush at The Final Hurdle


Congratulations. You have been remarkably patient up to now. You have whipped your mix to perfection and baked your pavlova in the oven. You’ve had a little sneaky peek and boy does it look good! You just want to fling open the oven door and grab it right out of there. DON’T! Turn the oven off and leave the oven door slightly open. We need that bad boy to cool down slowly. The last thing we need is a big crack and a deflated pavlova!

  1. Steamy Windows

Superman has Lex Luther. Spider-Man has the Green Goblin. Neo has Agent Smith. So, what is the enemy of pavlova? Humidity. Avoid anything giving off heat like boiling kettles or steaming pots.  Run away from rainy days, throbbing dishwashers or anything that, err, gives off steam!

3 thoughts on “Top Tips For A Perfect Pavlova”

  1. Top Tips For A Perfect Pavlova There is the recipe for making the Prefect Pavlova. I would like to have full recipe making the Prefect Pavlova. Can you email me full recipe in making the Prefect Pavlova recipe.

  2. Top Tips For A Perfect Pavlova There is the recipe for making the Prefect Pavlova. I would like to have full recipe making the Prefect Pavlova. Can you email me full recipe in making the Prefect Pavlova recipe.

  3. I weigh the eggs and use same weight of sugar.
    Separate yolk from whites carefully.
    Yolks can be used in another dish so put in fridge.
    Beat the whites alone until they are dry ,stiff
    Foam breaks if you touch it.
    Now add sugar,big tablespoon at a time.
    Have baking sheet pre prepared,use parchment paper to cover.
    Spread your meringue in big circle. Or two smallones.
    Bake in preheated oven 200 for 3 hrs.
    Open door slightly and leave another hour at least,
    Never make in a humid kitchen.
    Can make a day in advance then fill before serving.

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