Five Tips For Cooking A Heavenly Salmon

It can’t true can it? Can you really cook a salmon in a dishwasher? Surely that’s just a myth? Guess what? It isn’t! This is just one of the amazing tips we have for you to achieve Salmon Nirvana.

  1. The Great Dishwasher Technique

So it turns out that this incredible technique for cooking salmon has been around for quite a while. Before we continue (and please forgive me if I’m stating the obvious here) can you please make sure you don’t put a dishwasher tablet in? Ok. I’m glad to get that off my chest. Yes it seems obvious but you never know.

The technique is actually pretty simple. Wrap your salmon tightly in foil, stick the salmon in the top rack then run the dishwasher on a normal cycle. When the dishwasher is done, so is the salmon! Genius! Now I wonder if I can make soup in my washing machine?

  1. Dress To Thrill

Salmon is a very versatile dish. It works great on its own. But it can be transformed with the addition of just one or two extra ingredients. Try adding yoghurt, breadcrumbs or herbs to elevate your salmon to the next level.

  1. Don’t overdo it

One of the biggest mistakes made when cooking salmon is over-cooking salmon. Doubt can creep into the un-trained mind. Maybe I should give it another few minutes? Maybe a few more? Overcooking can turn your perfectly prepared fish into a big pile of mush.

If using a grill or a pan, sear salmon skin-side down on high heat until the skin is crispy, then, whether you flip your fish or not, finish cooking it on low heat. The fish’s sections should give and pull apart easily—not flake into dry pieces.

  1. Don’t Overthink It

Even though the sight of uncooked salmon can fill someone with dread, especially if its a huge salmon taking up most of your table, they aren’t that difficult on the whole. If oven cooking your salmon, try not to go to town on it too much. The key to a quick but beautiful salmon straight from the oven is a light sprinkling of salt and pepper before putting it in. Cut into fillets, Salmon will cook quite fast so stick around the oven door. 4 to 6 minutes per half inch of thickness is a good rule of thumb. After roughly 8 minutes (allowing a fillet average of one inch thickness) if your salmon is flaking off the fork then it’s good to go!

  1. The Wonder Of A Slow Cooker

The slow cooker is the workhorse of the kitchen. Often used for large hunks of meat it can also be used for poaching salmon with remarkable effect. Salmon soaking in a mix of herbs and oils can emerge bursting with flavor when cooked in a slow cooker on a low setting. Your salmon will be an incredibly tender, moist bit of fish.

2 thoughts on “Five Tips For Cooking A Heavenly Salmon”

    1. I think it should be cooked on low between 2 to 3 hours. You can always check it after 2 hours to ensure it’s cooked and moist and not tough.

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